
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Good Day in the Books!

Yesterday was a good day!  It was very much needed.  Hubs and I were both off work, but he sleeps until about 3 pm (yay night shifters!).  I planned the early part of my day all around my back.

1030-1130 Yoga
The instructor was new to me and perhaps better than the lady who does the evening classes.  Her poses were very different, and it felt less like she was trying to cram a bunch of everything into the hour.  Forward folds and down dogs are still kicking my butt.

1200-1300 Crossfit
I heart being able to go to CC's class.  He had me deadlift out of the rack to protect my back, and I only picked up 113# from there.  I'm not worrying about what my previous PR's were because that's a good way to get frustrated.  Everything starts over, and I just have to laugh and shake my head at my numbers.  I did the WOD in 17:15, scaling 15# dumbbells for the bar on squat cleans, a 4# ball on wall balls, and assisted dips.  I actually wouldn't really describe what I was doing as "cleans" either.  I was really just flinging the dumbells up to my shoulders.  Hey, it didn't hurt my back that way.  It felt so good to go there and workout with my peoples.  I loved it.

1400-1430 Good Doc
Okay, Good Chiropractor, whatev.  He ultrasounded, manual therapy'd, and electrified my back.  Don't you wish I knew the names of what he was actually doing?  Sometimes I ask, then I forget.  He said my back felt better...not so tight and icky.  So I don't have to go back for a week and a half.  I told him about all my core exercises, and he was down with that.  I've also been rolling my back and legs on my foam roller pretty hard core the last few days.  It's heavenly.

Then I went home, made Hubs take me to get the oil in the car changed.  I freaking hate getting my oil changed.  I hate that the dudes lie about what needs to be fixed.  I know they're just trying to make a buck off of an ignoramus, and I'm not down with that.  Hubs has a mechanic that we use because we trust him, and he doesn't jerk us around.  I wish I could find an oil change place that was the same way.  This place has been telling me I need new rear shocks for the last two years.  The mechanic tells me otherwise.  Yesterday, they told me I needed new rear brakes and a new air filter, as well.  I don't know anything about cars, but I do know how to change my air filter.  Go me.  And it isn't like I'm going to trust them about the brakes thing now.  grrr.  I would complain, but I'm afraid they'll sabotage my car or something.

Back to my good day, Hubs and I went out to eat.  I was still running on the Clif Bar I had eaten around 0930.  Then he bought me a giant exercise ball.  Yes!  I'm going to sit on it at my desk because sitting on my little one at home hurts less than sitting on a chair.  I'm sitting on it now.

Yeah, it was a nice little Monday.

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