
Monday, January 23, 2012

Squatting for Two

My doctor's nurse wrote me a note for work this month.  I really just need one that says I'm on "restricted duty," but she took it upon herself to add that I'm not to lift more than 20 lbs.  No, really, stop laughing.  That's what my note says.

Since getting my new restrictions, I have PR'd my overhead press and today my front squat.  I didn't really set out to do this, it just happened.  I think this child is giving me super powers.  The other (slightly more plausible explanation) is that I was out of exercise for so long that I lost all my PRs and have pretty much started over anyway.

I was just going to town on the front squats today and not really even paying attention to the weight.  On the last one, I felt my form break the teeniest bit (my back is still the weakest link), so I decided I was done.  After it was all said and done, I had squatted 115 lbs.

And just for the sake of recording PR's, I pressed 63 lbs on Jan 11.  Up from 57 a couple months before.

Front Squat:  115
Press:  63

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Remember that adventure time thing?

Apparently, it leads to pregnancy.  So my back is sorta under control, I try to go to crossfit sometimes, and there's a human growing inside me somewhere.  I think it's in my hips.