
Monday, July 25, 2016

Starting over. Again.

I hope it's the last time. In the last year, I had baby #2, quit my job & moved 30 miles north. I'm doing Fat Olympics for the motivation. It started last week.

07/18/2016. 182.4 lbs
07/25/2016. 177.6 lbs

My measurements were 41/39/42. I know. Sexy. I don't think they've changed in a week.

I'm working on couch to 5k because I'd  like to be able to up & run 5k.


I don't have the time or money to throw at going to the gym anymore.  I tried doing crossfit in the basement, but it's irritating to have to constantly find subs for everything that I don't have equipment for.

I'm starting a bodyweight program though because I have to lift weight to lose weight.  

Baseline was today. 

1 min time limit with 3 minutes rest between :

Squats:  23
Chin/pull-up:  0
Pushup:  3

Weak sauce!