
Thursday, January 15, 2015

1/15/15 weights

Squats 90# 5x5
OHP 50# 5x5
DL 85# 1-1-1-1-1

I almost decided to skip my workout because 'I'm tired & have so much to do & I always pick tot up so late.' All of those things are true, but I went anyway. Then I read about how moms need to have time to take care of themselves & somewhat grudgingly agreed. I should wholeheartedly agree. Since tot was born I have been very good at not taking my me time. Occasionally I get better at it and then let it get away from me again. And that is probably why I had such a hard time losing the baby weight the first go round. So let me get this straight.  Maybe, just maybe, if I make a practice of working out, I'll not only be in better shape mentally but also physically?! Insanity, I know.

Squats felt good today. They are getting tougher. Almost failed on the OHP. Actually took breaks between DL reps. I needed to watch my form & catch my breath.

3 weeks going strong!

1/14/15 rest

Planned rest day. Tot & I took the opportunity to wander around Target & get home late. He did really well. Mostly because he decided the shopping cart was a fire truck and wanted to hang off the side of it.  I slept hard & awoke a little after midnight thinking it was wakey time.  Only one other wake up at 4:30.

I weighed in at a whopping 168 this morning. Up 12 lbs at 17 weeks.  That's not gonna fly, so I'm going to try the eating plan my krav maga coach gave me...but doubled. If I keep gaining crazy on that, I'll down out to 1.5. It means I have to plan & cook, but it should be all around healthier.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

1/13/15 C25k

Week 2, day 1.

Felt good. Possibly influenced by a higher carb intake in the afternoon.

Monday, January 12, 2015

1/12/15 weights


Squats 85# 5x5
Bench 50# 5x5
Upright rows 50# 5x5

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Skipped Friday

I exercised 4 days in a row this week. By Friday I was exhausted. I believe I will try M, Th-weights and T, F-jogging this week with a rest day on W to break it up.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Monday, January 5, 2015

1/5/15 weights


Squat 75# 5x5
Bench 45# 5x5
Upright row 45# 5x5

Excited to be using the big bar on upper body. I'm glad to switch to 5 lb increases instead of 10 each time. I wouldn't have kept up with that much longer.


So as I sit, bored at work, I decided to delve into my big failure... putting God first in everything. & 5 minutes ago I was worried about 5 extra pounds.

I guess over the years, I've made work into a god. I do it all week & to the detriment of my health. I also talk about it non stop with hubs bc he's n the same field.

Reading His word.


I weighed myself Friday. The scale said 163. I started out at 156. No worries, I thought. Probably just poop. I'll make good choices over the weekend & probably be down in a couple days woot do woo. Monday? 165.

Pregnancy weight gain can suck it.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Rest Day

For my rest day, I purged and organized toys, uncluttered the tots room & vacuumed. Tried to take a little nap, failed, went to the store, cooked, & cleaned the kitchen. All while growing a human.

Saturday, January 3, 2015


Yesterday was date night, so I decided to walk on the treadmill because it's faster than lifting. Then I stopped after 20 minutes when the poop fairy dropped by. When you're pregnant & get a visit from the poop fairy, YOU DROP WHATEVER YOU'RE DOING AND GO POOP!

Today, after losing my ever loving mind this morning, I went to my work gym & did strong lifts.

Squats@ 70#
OHP @ 40#
DL #65#

Thursday, January 1, 2015


Stronglifts after work yesterday.

Squats 65# 5x5
Bench 40# 5x5
Upright row 40# 5x5

Today we had open gym at hub's work. Ran around the basketball court chasing balls, bouncing them & climbing things. Then tot wanted to go into the workout room & he climbed all over everything.

Tomorrow is date night...Yay! I wasn't going to workout but I might just stop by the gym to do a short treadmill walk. I want to keep my motivation going. It's terribly cold out & I have a sore ankle from unknown injury, so no jogging attempts I think.