30 years old
married to my BFF
5 ft 5 in tall
weighing in at 140 lbs
78% not body fat
I started crossfit a hundred years ago...well, more like October of 2010. Things were going along smashingly. In February of 2011, I got sidelined with back pain. An x-ray shows scoliosis. An MRI shows two herniated discs. My jelly squirted out of my doughnuts (is that a cop joke?). If you want more of an explanation, try this... While I have that issue, my pain seemed to be saying SI Joint Dysfunction. After 4 cortisone injections into my SI Joint (x2), L4-L5, and a random "bursa" (quotes because I really think the doc just jammed it into my butt somewhere), I had a consult with doctor #8 who listened to all this history, and said, "hmm, maybe you have Maigne's Syndrome," of which this website says:
Because the pain is located in and around the Sacroiliac joint anatomy ... the lower lumbar facets joints, the Gluteal and Piriformis and lower QL muscles, Maignes syndrome is difficult to diagnose, often providing unusual and inconclusive pain patterns. Maignes syndrome casefile brings out how this makes for a diagnostic nightmare.
It's actually really simple. The little spinal muscles right around the TL Junction (where your (or your chick's) bra band hits) get all crazy tight, and create mega tension at the iliac crest and pain in the nerves that travel over it. Treatment is deep tissue massage and chiropractic adjustments. After some elbows into my spine and adjustments, I think she's right. I've found the gentle spinal twists from some yoga movements, tennis ball and foam rolling, and heat to help as well.
Not the end of the world but still has SUCK written all over it. I had to scratch from the race...you know, whatever fitness goals I was chasing. I didn't get any good workouts in between mid-February and September 2011, because it hurt, and I didn't know what was wrong and how not to make it worse. So I'm starting from scratch. Maybe a little behind scratch since I still have a little back pain to squash. Hope you bought tix to the gunshow though, because I'm making a comeback.