So last Monday (the 26th), I headed off to crossfit. It was really the first work out I haven't hurt at in the last, oh, 7 or so months. It was so freaking sweet! This was the WOD:
Strength: Backsquat 3 RM…how much can you squat 3 times?
WOD: 12:00 AMRAP
10 Push Ups
10 Supine Ring Rows
20 Sledge Hammer Swings (10 each hand) (8-50lbs)
275M Run (the building loop…no garage door action
I worked on Backsquat with some chicas...did 3s up to 115, where I only got 1 (but yay!). I did 3 rounds (+15 hammer swings) of knee pushups, 10 ring rows, 20 hammer swings (8#) and the 275m run. Gotta start somewhere!
Before my awesome workout, I thought I would go to crossfit twice during the week. Starting small. Afterward, I thought, "there's no way you could keep me away from this. I'm going 3 times this week." Then some weird stuff happened. I burned out my sinuses and couldn't breathe without pain. I didn't sleep much on Monday night, less than 2 hours to be exact. Then I didn't sleep at all Tuesday night. Zero sleep. Wednesday was a bad day for attitude. By that night, I was exhausted for sure, and got a long night of sleep in. Since I wasn't feeling particularly well-rested, I skipped crossfit the rest of the week. I did do some walking in the mornings with the dogs. With a new week and a little better handle on the allergies, my goal is 2 or 3 crossfit workouts this week. And maybe getting back to regular duty.
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