
Thursday, April 14, 2011

My favorites

Sometimes I meet certain people (or as I get to know said people better), and I think "So&So is my favorite."  Today I had two favorites: Good Doc (G.D.) and my favorite crossfit coach (C.C.).  He's always my favorite though.

I visited GD this morning after my stupid dogs kept me awake all night.  After I had fallen asleep, Sonny barked twice.  They never bark at night, so it kind of freaked me out.  I had to grab some defense and clear the house.  Later, I awoke to the sound of licking.  It had to have been the loudest licking in the history of licking because I heard it though my ear plugs.  I yelled at them, and Hubs let them out of the room.  When Hubs came to bed, Lucy stuck her nose in my back and woke me up again.  I wouldn't be opposed to moving their happy little doggy beds outside the room.  Somebody else is though.

GD said I looked very yellow.  I think he was talking about my energy which is kind of different and whatever.  He ultrasounded me and did some flexion and distraction.  Then he evaluated my pt exercises.  Apparently I sucked at them, but he gave me a new one to do.  Lie on the ol' back and lift the hips up to make a bridge.

As I was about to walk out, GD said something like, "I only gave you one new exercise, right?"

"Yeah.  The bridge thing."

"Right.  Because you didn't do your other ones last week."

This is my artistic rendition of how I felt about that comment:

*By the way, I was wearing a headwrap/band thing because I had just rolled out of bed and it keeps my hair sticking out in a similar direction and not all in my eyeballs.  Serious face.  I full-on protested because GD basically called me a liar.  I hate liars.  With a little head-weaving confrontation, he backed right down though.  I couldn't believe he accused me of not doing my stuff!  I busted my butt (which hurt like a hot knife slicing through it at times) to get all my stupid leg lifts and kegels in!  I should have gotten extra credit for going to yoga and freaking learning how to stretch my hamstrings in ways that don't hurt my back!

So how is GD still a fave?  It was a joke gone wrong.  He really is a good dude and probably didn't expect me to react like I did.  In his defense, I'm sure 99% of the people he sees don't actually do their homework, and he probably has to chastise a lot of adults who act like children about it.  He's a super nice dude though, and he does good things for my back.  On that note, I'm going to do my exercises.  That GD isn't going to know what hit him next week.  (probably all a part of his plan, right?)

So then I visited CC's class.  I don't know how to describe CC, except to tell you he's my fave.  He knows all about body stuff and movement and is good at everything involved with those.  Maybe I like him so much because that's how I hope I am about my stuff (which is not bodies and athletic stuff).  In addition to giving me more core exercises, CC poked around on my hip and back and told me my pain does not sound to him like typical disc hernation pain.  Possibly that even though the MRI shows those disc problems, the pain may still be from something else.  Which I can see because really, it feels like how SI Joint dysfunction is described.  So now I'm all confused.

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