Barbell Club
8/22/11- 8/27/11
Warm up with the class. Write down your numbers on the tracking sheet with comments.
Day #1 Max Effort Deadlift
Start with bar. Do sets of two, adding weight until it gets hard. Then, go to 1 rep until failure in form, not failure of weight. After getting to single attempts, try to do no more than 3-5 singles.
Accessory Work
3 Sets of 15 reverse hypers, add weight each set.
3 Sets of Glute Ham Raises (let your legs do the counting, but if you can do more than 20 add weight)
100 Hollow Rocks (broken into as many sets as needed)
Foam Roll, and stretch for recovery.
Day #2 Dynamic Squat (50% with 25% band tension)
Do the posted WOD
Accessory Work
Skill work, GHD and reverse hyper. Prowler Drag, heel first and pop your hips to move the sled. This is not conditioning, so no running. Do a pass in the gym and add weight. Keep going as time allows.
Day #3 Max Effort Floor Press
Start with a barbell. Gradually add weight doing 2 reps per set until it gets hard. Start doing one rep each set until failure of form, not failure of weight. After getting to single attempts, try to do no more than 3-5 singles.
Accessory Work
3 Rounds:
Max Reps Chin ups
Max Reps Dips
Max Reps Rows with barbell
Day #4 Dynamic Bench
9×3 with bands and 50% weight
Team WOD or
5 rounds
3 Stone to Shoulder
6 Dips (with weight on Matador or on rings)
9 Kettle Bell Swings (Heavy)
So yesterday was Day 1, and it went well. My new deadlift 1 rep max is a whopping 135#. Part of my little victory is just being able to lift. Since this started, I've gained about 5 lbs. It isn't much, but I notice quite a bit of change in body composition. My clothes have gotten uh, tighter. In the past, I've had great success with losing fat and maintaining that loss with lifting. I try to eat fairly healthily, but I'm not very strict and love some good comfort food. So it will probably take me awhile, but as long as I can keep chipping away, I'm good with that.
Following my workout, I had a follow-up appointment with Dr. Sean's PA. I showed her where I was having pain, and she thought it is from an inflammed bursa along my pelvis. She shot some cortisone into it and told me to take it easy for the rest of the day. I contemplated going to work, but was sooo glad I didn't. As the evening wore on, I hurt more and more and may have gotten to a level 6/7. I feel better today. I'm not sure that's the only place where I had pain though. I go back in a week. Maybe it will be somewheres else then. It kind of seem like we're dealing with all the residual separate issues that are related to the si problem. Hopefully when it's all said and done, I'll be back 100%