
Saturday, July 9, 2011

Shot Followup

I made Hubs go with me to my followup appointment because I was sad and needed support.  My SI felt AMAZAZING on Tuesday.  I classified it at a level 1 on the pain scale because it didn't really hurt, but I could still tell it was there.  So it wasn't 100%, but it was something I could definitely work with.  I went to Good Doc and jumped around and told him about how great this was and YAY!

Wednesday brought me back to Earth.  I awoke and could feel sharp pain.  Since the pain had changed after the shot to that achiness, I was scared something was amiss.  My first PT appointment with Megan went well, but my back continued to get worse throughout the day.  At night I cried, a little because it hurt, but a lot because I was so disheartened.  I moped around on Thursday and got a massage.

Yesterday I had a followup appointment with Dr. Sean's PA.  She was only about 45 minutes late.  I understand sometimes things come up, because I have a job where that happens.  I have never been more than 10 minutes late to an appointment with a "client."  Sometimes I have to cancel appointments, but I always think it's better to do that, rather than have someone sit around, waiting.  Then of course, I totally felt she was rushing through my appointment.  I had questions, though, and I wasn't letting her leave until I got them all answered.

The PA said when someone has pain for so long, sometimes one injection isn't enough to get rid of the inflammation.  She told me I have another option, and I forgot what it was called.  Basically, they would sedate me slightly and do a minor surgery where the doc would burn off the nerves that go to the si joint that are causing pain.  They grow back in about 6 months.  First though, I can try another injection, which is scheduled for next week.  I asked if they put different amounts of medicine in, or use a stronger type, and she said no.

Well, here's to hoping.

Oh, about Wednesday...  The PT did her initial evaluation and gave me 2 exercises to do.  The first I call "fat-skinny."  I don't know what it's called in real life.  Basically, I get on all fours and keep my back flat. Then I let my stomach hang out and suck it back in.  2 rounds of 20 reps, 2-3 times per day.  The other is "nerve flossing," where I lie on my back, hold my right bent leg behind the knee, then straighten it and stop before there's pain.  I'm not sure she realizes I don't have nerve pain, but whatever.  I'll see whatever other crazy stuff she has me do on Monday.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Shot +1

Yesterday, I decided to go ahead and get scheduled for physical therapy.  I've never done physical therapy though, so I did not realize I should have a doctor's order.  I also don't know if that means my doctor wanted me to wait until after my follow-up appointment in a week, or if he forgot to give me an order or what.  I called his office at around 2:30 yesterday to find out.  Can you believe he and his nurse were already gone?  Good for them.  Being in public service, I'm happy when people can take time, especially for holidays to spend with their family.  As for me, I will have to wait until Tuesday for answers to my questions.

In the meantime, I feel okay, but not spectacular.  I think I overdid yesterday because by the evening, I was in quite a lot of pain.  I'm going to take it a little easier today.

I started back to my previous exercises yesterday, but only did 2 rounds of 10 each.  My goal was 3 rounds throughout the day and 2 half mile walks, but I was hurting too much later.  I did get in crunches, leg lifts, v-ups, reverse back extensions, back extensions, supermans, spinal balance, tail wag, donkey-pee, and bridges.  I threw in some squats, pushups, and ring rows for good measure.  And took the dogs on a half mile walk in the morning.

Mostly it was all the running around I did yesterday that wore me out.  Perhaps I'll do some housework today and keep it light.  It's 48 hours after my injections, so I can apply heat today.  I think that will be in the form of a relaxing bath later with my new eucalyptus bath salts.

Friday, July 1, 2011


My dogs are mopey. It's almost pathetic how they follow me from the living room to the office, flopping their not-so-little bodies on the ground with a grunt.

It's hot out, and I hurt.  Even if I felt like taking them for a walk, the dark one would wimp out after the first quarter mile.  In the past I have pulled her along while she plodded at the end of her leash like a mule.  She's the size of a small mule.

I got injected today.  My mom-in-law decided yesterday that she should take me.  She's slightly nutty, but I really didn't mind.  The last few days, I had started to get nervous about needles being stuck deep into my bottom.  We arrived to the doc's office at 0830.  I waited briefly in the lobby and then longer in an exam room.  The nurse gave me the same pretty shorts I had had at the other doctor's office.  I honestly tried getting a photo of them, but it wasn't working out.  Just imagine the 80's.  And a pair of paper shorts 8 sizes too big.

The doc stopped in for a moment, and we chatted.  He asked if he could pray.  I think it's cool my doc and I are on the same religion page.  Off he went.  I think the nurse took me to the injection room around 0930.  I went face down on their table, while some unseen force swabbed iodine-ish stuff across my right butt cheek.  The three voices in the room tried to carry on their conversation in a way that would not offend the patient.  It was funny.  A song came on their radio about sex.  Somebody changed it, while a smartass chided, "What was that song about?"  "Fornication," I giggled.  The doc came in and explained to them the plan was to inject the SI joint and possibly do an epidural.  "So we're going to flip a coin to see if she gets the epidural?"  The smartass was at it again.  "Yeah, that's it," the doc told him.  I put in my two cents, "Hey, I feel good about that too."

The doc stuck something like sticky paper to my butt.  He said, "Big stick," and by the time I could process what he was saying, he was jamming a needle in my ass.  That part didn't really hurt much, but my involuntary butt twitch activated anyway.  He pushed the needle in further until he got the the joint.  I grabbed onto the table and worked my feet to dissipate the pain.  Doc asked for the pain level.  8.  He made it hurt a little longer and then backed out.  I think he disappeared into thin air after that.  I don't remember seeing him as I sat up and slid off the table.  The nurse/techs were asking if I had any numbness or weakness.  I did not.  They wheeled me into the next room, where another lady stoodby with my clothes.  I changed, she asked me what my pain was and walked me out.

This is not fairy dust.  I guess it takes a few days to really feel better.  The joint doesn't hurt the same way it had been, which was more of a stabbing/burning pain.  This is sore and achey.  I'm hopeful that pain will leave over the next few days.  I realize that some of these muscles have been tight and painful for the last 6 months, and it might take some time to get them back to their previous level of flexibility.  I'm especially frustrated today because I want to stretch the frack out of them, but cannot.  They told me to take it easy today, and I'm afraid if I get started on something, I'll forget and overdo it.  Or it will just mess with the joint.

Patience.  I still don't has it yet.